Hi there! I’m Vianna, an NYC-based fashion blogger who loves sharing about the intersection of science and style. Not long after I graduated with a degree in Fiber Science (what’s that?), I noticed there was a shortage of fashion blogs that address the actual content and care behind our clothes. As I realized how important this knowledge is to our consumer choices and environmental footprint, I created Styled by Science. It is a digital space that doubles as a fashion and science blog.
This space has become my outlet for sharing (and geeking out) on the construction, content, quality, and care of fabrics—all while remaining authentic to my own fashion sense. Though not a full-on ‘sustainability’ blog, my content seeks to address some of the biggest questions we have about the environmental impact of fashion through science.
Maybe it educates, maybe it inspires. Maybe it spurs you on your own sustainability journey, as my learnings did for me. At the heart of it, I hope this blog captures a part of fashion that you may not have thought about before. And if it encourages you to do your laundry better, then that is progress too
What is Fiber Science, and how did you decide to major in it?
What do you do outside of blogging?
What are your credentials?
Is this a sustainability blog?

A moment in action—my former days of working in a textiles laboratory. In my first job out of college, I dissected and analyzed pretty much any material you can think of (right in this tiny corner!). This scientific foundation is what set the stage for my unending fascination of materials.
‘All work has dignity because it reflects God’s image in us, and also because the material creation we are called to care for is good.’
Timothy Keller in Every Good Endeavor